Kriitik Laura Porovart kirjutab Sirbis muuhulgas kiidusõnu meie näitlejatele:
"Osatäitjate valik on õnnestunud: ansambel püsis etenduse lõpuni kompaktne, osatäitmised mõjusid veenvalt ja loomulikult. Rollivaliku kasuks räägib muidugi alustekst ise – meeldiv on laval näha noori mängimas noori. Sellega oli ühtlasi üle astutud rehast, millele harrastusteatri tegijad kipuvad aeg-ajalt koperdama – harva õnnestub näitleja ja mängitava tegelase ealist lõhet ilma paroodiasse laskumata ületada."
Pikemat arvustust saab lugeda siit..
Choose from 8 stunning layouts
Your Wix Blog comes with 8 beautiful layouts. From your blog's settings, choose the layout that’s right for you. For example, a tiled layout is popular for helping visitors discover more posts that interest them. Or, choose a classic single column layout that lets readers scroll down and see your post topics one by one.
Every layout comes with the latest social features built in. Readers can easily share posts on social networks like Facebook and Twitter and view how many people have liked a post, made comments and more.
Add media to your posts
When creating your posts you can:
Upload images or GIFs
Embed videos and music
Create galleries to showcase a media collection
Customize the look of your media by making it widescreen or small and easily align media inside your posts.
Hashtag your posts
Love to #hashtag? Good news!
You can add tags (#vacation #dream #summer) throughout your posts to reach more people. Why hashtag? People can use your hashtags to search through content on your blog and find the content that matters to them. So go ahead and #hashtag away!